Syria Chemical Weapons Agreement

The recent agreement between Syria and the international community on the destruction of Syria`s chemical weapons stockpile has been a major development in the ongoing conflict in the country. Here`s what you need to know about this historic agreement and what it means for Syria and the world.


The use of chemical weapons in Syria has been a contentious issue since the beginning of the country`s civil war in 2011. The Syrian government has been accused of using chemical weapons against its own people, while the rebels have been accused of using them as well. The use of these weapons has been a major concern for the international community, as they are banned under international law due to their indiscriminate and harmful effects.

The agreement:

The agreement between Syria and the international community, led by the United States and Russia, was reached in September 2013. It called for the destruction of Syria`s entire chemical weapons stockpile by mid-2014. The agreement also called for Syria to allow international inspectors access to all of its chemical weapons facilities, and for the international community to provide assistance in the destruction process.


The destruction of Syria`s chemical weapons stockpile began in October 2013, and by the end of the year, most of the declared stockpile had been destroyed or removed from the country. However, there have been delays in the destruction process, and as of early 2021, there are still some remaining chemical weapons that have not been destroyed.


The agreement has had a significant impact on the conflict in Syria and on the international community`s response to the use of chemical weapons. It has prevented further use of these weapons in Syria and has set a precedent for the international community to address the use of chemical weapons in other conflicts around the world. However, the destruction process has been slow and incomplete, and there is concern that there are still chemical weapons in Syria that have not been accounted for.


The Syria chemical weapons agreement was a significant step forward in addressing the use of chemical weapons in conflict. While there have been challenges in implementing the agreement, it has set a precedent for the international community to address the use of these weapons in other conflicts. It is crucial that the international community continue to monitor the situation in Syria and ensure that all remaining chemical weapons are located and destroyed.