One Function of Both the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union Is to

One Function of Both the North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union Is to

One function of both the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the European Union (EU) is to promote trade and economic growth among member countries. The two agreements are regional trade agreements that have been created to remove trade barriers and promote economic integration among member states.

NAFTA was signed in 1994 between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. It created a free trade zone among these countries, which allowed for the elimination of tariffs and other trade barriers. The agreement aimed to increase trade among the three countries and promote economic growth, while also protecting the rights of workers and the environment.

Similarly, the EU was established in 1993 with the goal of promoting economic integration among its member states. The EU is a political and economic union of 27 European countries, which aims to promote trade and economic growth through the removal of trade barriers, the introduction of a common currency (the Euro), and the harmonization of laws and regulations.

By removing trade barriers, both NAFTA and the EU have created a larger market for businesses to operate in, which has led to increased competition and lower prices for consumers. They have also encouraged foreign investment and the transfer of technology and know-how, which has led to improved productivity and increased innovation.

In addition to promoting trade and economic growth, both agreements have also had the goal of protecting workers` rights and the environment. NAFTA`s labor and environmental side agreements were designed to ensure that increased trade would not come at the expense of these crucial issues. Similarly, the EU has established a number of regulations aimed at protecting workers and the environment, such as the European Social Charter and the EU`s Emissions Trading System.

In conclusion, the function of both NAFTA and the EU is to promote trade and economic growth among member countries through the removal of trade barriers and the promotion of economic integration. By doing so, they have created larger markets for businesses to operate in, encouraged foreign investment, and protected workers` rights and the environment. These agreements have been successful in promoting economic growth and improving the lives of citizens in member countries.