Who Should Sign an Agreement First

Who Should Sign an Agreement First

When it comes to signing agreements, it`s important to know who should sign first. Depending on the type of agreement, there may be different protocols to follow. In this article, we will explore the different scenarios and who should sign first in each situation.

Business Contracts

When it comes to business contracts, the general protocol is that the party offering the contract initiates the agreement and signs it first. For instance, if a company is hiring a new vendor to supply products or services, the vendor will typically send a contract outlining the terms of the agreement. The company will then review the contract and, if everything is acceptable, they will sign it and send it back to the vendor.

Real Estate Contracts

In real estate transactions, the seller typically prepares the contract and signs it first. This is because the seller typically takes the lead in setting the terms of the sale, including the price, closing date, and other details. Once the buyer and seller agree to the terms, the buyer will sign the contract and send it back to the seller.

Employment Agreements

When it comes to employment agreements, the employer typically prepares the contract and signs it first. This is because the employer is offering employment to the employee and setting the terms of that employment, including salary, benefits, and job duties. Once the employee has reviewed and agreed to the terms, they will sign the contract and return it to the employer.

Partnership Agreements

In a partnership agreement, it`s important to follow the protocol set out in the agreement itself. Typically, the partner who initiates the agreement will sign it first. However, it`s important to follow the specific instructions laid out in the agreement to ensure that the signing process is handled correctly.


While the protocol for who should sign an agreement first varies depending on the type of agreement, the general rule is that the initiating party should sign first. In some cases, the agreement itself may lay out specific instructions for signing. By following these protocols, you can ensure that your agreements are handled in a professional and legally binding manner.